坎特伯雷大学(University of Canterbury)
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基督城理工学院((Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology)
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新西兰商学院(New Zealand College of Business)
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怀卡托理工学院(Waikato Institute of Technology )
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环球理工学院(Universal College of Learning)
2015-12-23 16:00:21
奥塔哥理工学院(Otago Polytechnic)
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惠灵顿学校(Wellington College)
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惠灵顿东部女子中学(Wellington Girl’s College)
2015-12-23 16:06:47
北帕默斯顿女子高中(Palmerston North Girls' High School)
2015-12-23 16:09:06
尼尔森男子中学(Nelson College)
2015-12-23 16:16:12